Think You're Cut Out For Doing a Dental Makeover? Take This Quiz
Congratulations for thinking about a dental makeover finally! However, since you are still thinking about it and have not taken a definitive step, it means you are wondering what step to take first. You can rest assured knowing there are several people like you. The field of cosmetic dentistry has advanced substantially to ensure different needs of different people can be addressed very easily.
Here is a brief quiz that you should take to get an idea what is the right step to achieve your aesthetic goals and ensure you get a smile makeover to suit your lifestyle.
The Fun Dental Makeover Quiz
The aim of a smile makeover is to get a dazzling smile that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Hence, before you choose a cosmetic dental treatment, it is crucial you taken into account every aspect of your lifestyle. Here are some of the important things to consider before you get a perfect set of pearly whites.
- How much time am I willing to spend at my dentist’s office?
- I want a dental treatment that is quick and simple, so that I spend minimal time on the dentist’s chair.
- I am happy visiting the dentist’s office twice. Anything longer would be too much.
- I am willing to invest in a long-lasting treatment and do not mind visiting my dentist several times or as long as the treatment demands.
- What kind of results do I envisage after the treatment?
- I am looking for subtle changes to my smile.
- I want my smile to change, but nothing very dramatic.
- I want spectacular and significant changes to my smile.
- What do I dislike the most about my smile?
- I have yellow teeth or a chipped tooth.
- My teeth are discolored, misaligned, crooked or short.
- I dislike everything about my smile and teeth and want a complete makeover.
- Am I stressed out or anxious about visiting the dentist’s office?
- I am slightly anxious about the impending treatment, as I don’t want to experience the associated pain.
- I am comfortable and ready for the treatment even though visiting the dentist is not my favorite activity.
- I love my dentist and know he will take all steps to make the treatment a pleasant experience.
- How do I visualize my smile will look like after the treatment?
- I think my new smile will look like my current smile minus the flaws.
- It will be slightly different, as the teeth would be whiter, attractive and straighter.
- I will get a completely new smile that will be cynosure of all eyes.
- What is my budget for my dental makeover?
- I have a very small budget.
- I am ready to make a substantial investment.
- I have not set a budget and willing to spend anything it takes to get a magnificent smile.
The Results
Here are the results to the smile makeover quiz. The results may surprise you.
- If you chose mostly 1s, you are not looking for major changes to your smile. Rather you are interested in a quick fix treatment. Your best option would be teeth whitening or dental bonding.
- If you chose mostly 2s, you are looking for a significant change to your smile. You should look at porcelain veneers to restore your teeth and give you a changed and improved smile.
- If you chose mostly 3s, congratulations. It means you are ready to take advantage of the latest techniques to give yourself a brand new and perfect smile. You are the perfect candidate for a combination of cosmetic treatments. This way you will be able to get a real dental makeover. Speak to your local cosmetic dentist about using porcelain veneers, contouring, teeth whitening and bonding to customize your smile and give you that dazzling smile you have been yearning for.