When considering ways to straighten teeth for a smile that's guaranteed to win over those you meet, clear aligners are certainly a viable option. When the strain of metal braces sounds unappealing and your teeth can be perfected enough without requiring the painstaking steps braces accompany, invisible aligners can be the perfect alternative. Being nearly impossible to see, these invisible orthodontic trays can provide results without the straightening process itself being noticeable to those you encounter.
The Reasons Clear Aligner Trays Can Work For You
Substituting metal braces with clear aligners allows for a much more comfortable transition from a timid smile to one of confidence and exuberance. The reasons for choosing to go with this method of cosmetic enhancement are plentiful:
- The clear trays are practically invisible, which means no one in your daily life has to know that this treatment is occurring and you can display your teeth without the piercing self-consciousness that can often be instigated by metallic braces.
- Orthodontic Trays are removable, and resemble a mouth guard that can be taken out whenever necessary, meaning you can eat what you want when you want to without having to worry about damaging your aligner.
- The steps to getting a personalized aligner is simple and only requires impressions of your teeth and occasional check-ups to monitor the treatment's progress. Replacements which go along with the different phases of aligner therapy will be issued at certain points, but unlike braces trays don't need to be adjusted or toyed with as much at every appointment.
- The pain associated with braces no longer has to be a concern. With these clear trays, there are no wires, no brackets and no rubber bands at any point that can sometimes come loose and scrape the inside of the mouth. Invisible orthodontic trays can make straightening your teeth a much less noticeable process to you as much as it does with those you know.
- Cleaning your trays may sound like a mild inconvenience, but they shouldn't require cleaning often and are easy to maintain and wash on occasion, being removable whenever necessary. Washing aligners isn't particularly necessary, but to prevent plaque and bacteria from building up cleaning can be a simple step to take when the time calls for it.
- Not only can these trays be cleaned easily, but so can your teeth. Considering there are no braces to obstruct areas of the teeth and wiring making it difficult to reach between teeth, clear orthodontic trays make brushing your teeth a much easier daily activity than it would be with regular braces. So not only will the treatment be transparent, but your teeth will be as clean as they were before applying aligner therapy.
Choose Clear Orthodontics Today and Make Your Smile Shine
The advantages of invisible trays have over other forms of teeth straightening treatments far outweigh the reasons for not choosing them. If your dentist believes they can be an effective and proper treatment to enhance your smile, then the steps to a beautiful and perfected smile are in the few. You'll be on your way to the smile you want in no time at all and without the hassle of braces.