In this day and age, you can't turn on the TV or open an internet browser without seeing a celebrity doing something fantastic, mundane, or downright insidious. One thing most of them share, no matter their demeanor or what they're caught doing, is a great celebrity smile. How did their teeth get so perfect? By following the advice of a great cosmetic smile dentist.
Professional Whitening Services
After a professional teeth whitening is done you will see a significant change in color over a short period of time. The procedure involves a high-concentration peroxide gel that is applied to your teeth and remains there for up to an hour.
Most patients only need one session, but if you have stubborn stains on your teeth, you may need to return for a second treatment.
If Convenience is Something You Strive For, Get a Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kit
Taking care of your job and your family takes up a majority of your time. And as great as your dentist might be, a do-it-yourself kit can be an attractive alternative to sitting in his chair. These kits consist of the same peroxide gel, only a lower concentration. In some situations, you may also keep the gel on your teeth overnight.
Patients have extraordinary results with this choice of whitening. Not only is it convenient, but most patients will experience much whiter teeth, giving them that celebrity smile they've always desired.
Clear Aligner Therapy For Easy and Invisible Orthodontics
Let's face it: perfect teeth are hard to come by. Each person is different, with his or her own set of problems that are preventing them from having that celebrity smile they've always dreamed of having.
Consider using Clear Aligner Therapy, whether you have teeth that are crowded together or spaced far apart. Or perhaps you suffer from a misaligned bite, open bite, over bite, or over jet. Whatever the issue, your cosmetic dental office can help you overcome it with amazing results.
In fact, what you might not realize is that some celebrities you see walking the red carpet or in the pages of your favorite entertainment magazine might just be undergoing treatment at that very moment. How is this possible? It's because "clear" is the optimum word here, meaning the aligners are nearly invisible. That's right ... with this therapy, your teeth will improve and give you that great smile while you remain active. You can wear them to social gatherings, family functions, even business meetings and no one will know. And in the event that you would feel more comfortable without them in, simply remove them while you eat or attend those functions, and then put them back in once you're ready.
Porcelain Veneers, the Ultimate in Cosmetic Dentistry
Many dental providers swear by this option, as do a number of celebrities. For the uninitiated, a veneer consists of a thin layer of material placed over a tooth that protects the surface of a damaged tooth and improves its appearance. When they were first introduced, celebrities often used porcelain veneers to temporarily improve the appearance of their teeth because the bonding agents weren't strong enough to hold the veneers in place for an extended amount of time. This was perfect for a number of celebrities, as they would simply have porcelain veneers put in place whenever they had a big event to attend.
That is no longer the case, however. Now those bonding agents, together with better cements, are incredibly strong. This means that your porcelain veneers may last up to thirty years.
Dental Implants are the Trusted Foundation for Cosmetic Dental Care
After a consultation, your cosmetic dentist may decide that your best option is dental implants followed by crowns or beautiful dentures. Even though you might not be walking a red carpet any time soon, this relatively new procedure replaces the entire tooth, including the root of that tooth, and are custom-made for a perfect smile and perfect fit. You might even say that they are at the "root" of any challenging dental solution.Now that you know what is available, how will you proceed to treat your smile? How about like that of a celebrity?