When you have great oral hygiene, you have a great smile. A great smile gives you confidence and keeps you in good health. The key to a beautiful smile is good home dental care. Did you know poor dental hygiene is associated with many health problems, including diabetes and heart disease? Furthermore, due to poor dental hygiene, you could lose teeth and this could make it more difficult for you to chew properly and eat healthy food, resulting in further health problems.
Oral Care and Your Health
Most people believe brushing is sufficient to maintain oral health and hygiene. However, simple brushing does not get rid of the harmful bacteria present in your mouth. It is these bacteria that cause periodontitis and several health problems. It is important to know the health issues that can result due to poor oral care. This is what will convince you why good oral care is of utmost importance.
- Heart Disease: Research has shown people with periodontitis are more like to develop coronary artery disease compared to those who do not have this gum disease. It is claimed the harmful bacteria from the mouth make it to the bloodstream and get attached to plaque in the blood vessels, resulting in inflammation and higher risk of blood clots.
- Memory Issues: A study found that people with few teeth are more prone to dementia than those with more teeth. It is believed the bacteria from the mouth spread to the brain either through the bloodstream or cranial nerves connecting the jaw.
- Poor Blood Sugar Control: People diagnosed with diabetes get infections more often than those without the disease. Research shows diabetics tend to get gum disease more often and this makes it difficult for them to control their blood sugar levels. Treating the gum disease improves the symptoms of diabetes.
- Respiratory Infections: Gum disease increases the chances of respiratory infections, such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Conception Issues: Women with gum disease may find it harder to conceive and the chances of miscarriage also increase.
With so many serious health problems, it is important to maintain good oral health and hygiene.
5 Easy Steps to Good Oral Care- Brushing: It is imperative you brush your teeth twice a day using a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste.
- Flossing: Just brushing does not dislodge food particles stuck between teeth. Hence, inter-dental cleaning is required. This can be done with the help of dental floss. Remember, you should floss before you brush your teeth. This allows more tooth surface to be covered with fluoride in your toothpaste.
- Rinsing: While there are many mouth rinses available in the market, do not select one blindly. Some mouth rinses have fluoride, others destroy bacteria in the mouth and still more have both qualities. Make sure after using a mouth rinse, you do not eat for at least 30 minutes.
- Chewing Gum: Make it a habit to chew sugar-free chewing gum that contains xylitol. You may not know it, but xylitol destroys cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth and helps in saliva production, which can flush out the mouth and reduce the acid levels in your mouth.
- Water Rinse: You could be in a situation where you cannot brush your teeth or use a mouthwash after eating. In such circumstances, use plain water to rinse your mouth. This will help dislodge food particles stuck between your teeth. It also will reduce acid levels in the mouth.
Besides these dental hygiene and care tips, you also should visit a dentist every 6 months for complete oral checkup. During this routine checkup, the dentist can take preemptive measures to maintain the health of your mouth and ensure you do not suffer from cavities and gum disease.
Now that you the importance of good oral hygiene, do you think your health can improve if you follow these tips?