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Dental Implant Procedure: Know What to Expect

Posted by Dr. Mark Mann

Nov 17, 2014 2:00:00 PM

Dental Implants Dentures: Perfect Alternative to Removable Dentures

29262752_s_dental-implant-procedureIf you don’t want to wear removable dentures, speak to your dentist about a dental implant procedure. This is a revolutionary way to secure dentures in your mouth and prevent them from slipping and causing an embarrassment. You can opt for fixed or removable implant dentures, so speak to your dentist about both and understand their pros and cons before you make a decision.

This type of dentures is perfect if you have no teeth, but still have sufficient bone mass in your jawbone to accept the implants.

Types of Implant Dentures

There are primarily two types of dental implants dentures – ball retained and bar retained. Regardless of the type of implant retained dentures you opt for, you will need at least two dental implants to support the dentures.

  • Ball Retained Dentures: In type, each implant in your jawbone has a ball-shaped attachment that fits into the corresponding attachment of the dentures.
  • Bar Retained Dentures: This denture has a thin metal plate that runs along the curve of your jaw and is attached to the implants in your jawbone. The metal plate has a clip that fits into the slot in the denture, thereby keeping the denture in its place securely.

The Implant Procedure

Typically, implants are placed in the front part of the mouth, as most people have more bone volume in the front than the anterior part of their jaws. This is especially true if you have missing teeth for a while. Tooth loss causes your jawbone to lose bone and this is one of the main reasons to disqualify you as a candidate.

Typically, you will require two surgeries – one to place the implants in your jawbone and the second to expose the implants after the osseointegration has taken place. Once complete healing has taken place which could be anywhere from 6 months to 1 year, the dentures will be fitted onto the implants.

Benefits of Dental Implants Dentures

These dentures have several benefits over conventional dentures. Some of the advantages are as follows:

  • Less Movement: Conventional dentures can easily move out of place because of your lips or tongue. This can be very embarrassing if you are in company. With implant dentures, there is no cause of worry, as the dentures are secured to the implant and they cannot move out of place.
  • Minimum Loss of Jawbone: If you wear dentures, your gums undergo a lot of friction due to chewing. This is the main reason for loss of bone and deterioration of the jaw arch, causing your dentures to become ill-fitting and loose. With implant dentures, the dentures are firmly fitted on your jawbone, thereby minimizing bone loss from your jaws.
  • Improved Appearance: When you wear dentures, most people will be able to make out that you have them on. On the other hand, implant dentures look, feel and function like natural teeth. This helps to improve your appearance. Furthermore, if you didn’t have teeth earlier, the caved in appearance of your face will disappear and make you look younger.
  • Better Taste Experience: When you wear dentures on the upper jaw, you will have a plate covering the roof of your mouth. This will not allow you to taste foods. But with implant denture, you will be able to taste food once again and enjoy eating and dining. You also will be able to eat all the foods you used to love before, but couldn’t enjoy due to lack of taste. The only thing you have to be careful about is not eating sticky or hard foods, as they can damage the dentures.
  • Clarity of Speech: When you speak, you never have to worry about your denture falling out or becoming loose. Hence, you will be able to speak clearly, without feeling self-conscious.

There is no doubt dental implants dentures are a much better option compared to conventional dentures. So, if you are worried about missing teeth due to aging or trauma, speak to your dentist today and find out whether you are a good candidate for implant dentures.

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