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Beautiful Smile Dental Care in 4 Easy Steps

Posted by Dr. Mark Mann

Dec 31, 2013 9:44:00 PM

beautiful smiles dental careOne of the first things people notice about you is your smile. It is what you use to signal to others that you’re happy to meet them, that you’re interested in them, that they should be interested in you. Physical flaws can lead to your lack of confidence in your smile. If your smile is timid because you have crooked teeth, if you smile behind your hand or with your lips closed because you’re embarrassed by stains on your teeth, if you shy away from meeting people all together because you aren’t confident in your smile, it’s time you did something about it. With today’s dental techniques, help is available, painless, and affordable. Follow these 4 easy steps to correct those flaws and make your dream of a gorgeious smile a reality.

Begin with Your Dental Evaluation:

You know what you don’t like about your smile, but do you know how to fix it? A dental evaluation will outline procedures that can produce that dazzling smile. Your initial visit will consist of an examination, x-rays and a thorough assessment of the health of your teeth and gums. You will be given an outline of procedures needed to correct current problems as well as cosmetic options.

Keeping Healthy Teeth:

Corrections needed to insure the health of your teeth and gums (and ultimately Your smile!) will come first. You may need restorative work such as fillings, crowns, bridges, perhaps even oral surgery to correct problems stemming from tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, problems due to accident or injury, or too many teeth in a small space.

Your Dental Cosmetic Work:

Once the health of your mouth is assured, you can begin the creation of your beautiful smile dental design through dental cosmetic work. Some of the procedures can be done simultaneously and a few can be done at home.

For straighter teeth, you will want to consider clear teeth aligners, a painless and nearly invisible method for straightening teeth. Dental implants may be needed to fill in gaps where teeth were extracted or never existed in the first place.

The color of your teeth will be considered. Beautiful teeth are a uniform whiteness and brightness (but not so white and bright they don’t look real!). There are whitening techniques that can be done in an hour in the dentist’s office. There are also techniques you can do at home if you prefer.  

If tooth shape is a problem, you may want to consider porcelain veneers: thin covers made to fit your teeth. They can fix flaws like chips or cracks and stained or darkened teeth. Ultimately, veneers produce uniformly shaped and colored teeth for that perfect smile. You'll have a choice of composite resin or porcelain ceramic veneers. Your dentist will help you choose the material most appropriate for your needs. Composite bonding also might be a viable option for you.

Your On-going Dental Care:

Once your goal of that has been reached, there is still work to be done. You must not forget the importance of on-going dental preventive care to preserve that special smile. Regular checkups and cleaning will keep those teeth healthy and that smile beautiful.

Shouldn’t you make your dental appointment today for a beautiful smile?

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